{"version":3,"file":"units-DPpdja5Y.js","sources":["../../node_modules/ethers/lib.esm/utils/fixednumber.js","../../node_modules/ethers/lib.esm/utils/units.js"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * The **FixedNumber** class permits using values with decimal places,\n * using fixed-pont math.\n *\n * Fixed-point math is still based on integers under-the-hood, but uses an\n * internal offset to store fractional components below, and each operation\n * corrects for this after each operation.\n *\n * @_section: api/utils/fixed-point-math:Fixed-Point Maths [about-fixed-point-math]\n */\nimport { getBytes } from \"./data.js\";\nimport { assert, assertArgument, assertPrivate } from \"./errors.js\";\nimport { getBigInt, getNumber, fromTwos, mask, toBigInt } from \"./maths.js\";\nimport { defineProperties } from \"./properties.js\";\nconst BN_N1 = BigInt(-1);\nconst BN_0 = BigInt(0);\nconst BN_1 = BigInt(1);\nconst BN_5 = BigInt(5);\nconst _guard = {};\n// Constant to pull zeros from for multipliers\nlet Zeros = \"0000\";\nwhile (Zeros.length < 80) {\n Zeros += Zeros;\n}\n// Returns a string \"1\" followed by decimal \"0\"s\nfunction getTens(decimals) {\n let result = Zeros;\n while (result.length < decimals) {\n result += result;\n }\n return BigInt(\"1\" + result.substring(0, decimals));\n}\nfunction checkValue(val, format, safeOp) {\n const width = BigInt(format.width);\n if (format.signed) {\n const limit = (BN_1 << (width - BN_1));\n assert(safeOp == null || (val >= -limit && val < limit), \"overflow\", \"NUMERIC_FAULT\", {\n operation: safeOp, fault: \"overflow\", value: val\n });\n if (val > BN_0) {\n val = fromTwos(mask(val, width), width);\n }\n else {\n val = -fromTwos(mask(-val, width), width);\n }\n }\n else {\n const limit = (BN_1 << width);\n assert(safeOp == null || (val >= 0 && val < limit), \"overflow\", \"NUMERIC_FAULT\", {\n operation: safeOp, fault: \"overflow\", value: val\n });\n val = (((val % limit) + limit) % limit) & (limit - BN_1);\n }\n return val;\n}\nfunction getFormat(value) {\n if (typeof (value) === \"number\") {\n value = `fixed128x${value}`;\n }\n let signed = true;\n let width = 128;\n let decimals = 18;\n if (typeof (value) === \"string\") {\n // Parse the format string\n if (value === \"fixed\") {\n // defaults...\n }\n else if (value === \"ufixed\") {\n signed = false;\n }\n else {\n const match = value.match(/^(u?)fixed([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)$/);\n assertArgument(match, \"invalid fixed format\", \"format\", value);\n signed = (match[1] !== \"u\");\n width = parseInt(match[2]);\n decimals = parseInt(match[3]);\n }\n }\n else if (value) {\n // Extract the values from the object\n const v = value;\n const check = (key, type, defaultValue) => {\n if (v[key] == null) {\n return defaultValue;\n }\n assertArgument(typeof (v[key]) === type, \"invalid fixed format (\" + key + \" not \" + type + \")\", \"format.\" + key, v[key]);\n return v[key];\n };\n signed = check(\"signed\", \"boolean\", signed);\n width = check(\"width\", \"number\", width);\n decimals = check(\"decimals\", \"number\", decimals);\n }\n assertArgument((width % 8) === 0, \"invalid FixedNumber width (not byte aligned)\", \"format.width\", width);\n assertArgument(decimals <= 80, \"invalid FixedNumber decimals (too large)\", \"format.decimals\", decimals);\n const name = (signed ? \"\" : \"u\") + \"fixed\" + String(width) + \"x\" + String(decimals);\n return { signed, width, decimals, name };\n}\nfunction toString(val, decimals) {\n let negative = \"\";\n if (val < BN_0) {\n negative = \"-\";\n val *= BN_N1;\n }\n let str = val.toString();\n // No decimal point for whole values\n if (decimals === 0) {\n return (negative + str);\n }\n // Pad out to the whole component (including a whole digit)\n while (str.length <= decimals) {\n str = Zeros + str;\n }\n // Insert the decimal point\n const index = str.length - decimals;\n str = str.substring(0, index) + \".\" + str.substring(index);\n // Trim the whole component (leaving at least one 0)\n while (str[0] === \"0\" && str[1] !== \".\") {\n str = str.substring(1);\n }\n // Trim the decimal component (leaving at least one 0)\n while (str[str.length - 1] === \"0\" && str[str.length - 2] !== \".\") {\n str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1);\n }\n return (negative + str);\n}\n/**\n * A FixedNumber represents a value over its [[FixedFormat]]\n * arithmetic field.\n *\n * A FixedNumber can be used to perform math, losslessly, on\n * values which have decmial places.\n *\n * A FixedNumber has a fixed bit-width to store values in, and stores all\n * values internally by multiplying the value by 10 raised to the power of\n * %%decimals%%.\n *\n * If operations are performed that cause a value to grow too high (close to\n * positive infinity) or too low (close to negative infinity), the value\n * is said to //overflow//.\n *\n * For example, an 8-bit signed value, with 0 decimals may only be within\n * the range ``-128`` to ``127``; so ``-128 - 1`` will overflow and become\n * ``127``. Likewise, ``127 + 1`` will overflow and become ``-127``.\n *\n * Many operation have a normal and //unsafe// variant. The normal variant\n * will throw a [[NumericFaultError]] on any overflow, while the //unsafe//\n * variant will silently allow overflow, corrupting its value value.\n *\n * If operations are performed that cause a value to become too small\n * (close to zero), the value loses precison and is said to //underflow//.\n *\n * For example, an value with 1 decimal place may store a number as small\n * as ``0.1``, but the value of ``0.1 / 2`` is ``0.05``, which cannot fit\n * into 1 decimal place, so underflow occurs which means precision is lost\n * and the value becomes ``0``.\n *\n * Some operations have a normal and //signalling// variant. The normal\n * variant will silently ignore underflow, while the //signalling// variant\n * will thow a [[NumericFaultError]] on underflow.\n */\nexport class FixedNumber {\n /**\n * The specific fixed-point arithmetic field for this value.\n */\n format;\n #format;\n // The actual value (accounting for decimals)\n #val;\n // A base-10 value to multiple values by to maintain the magnitude\n #tens;\n /**\n * This is a property so console.log shows a human-meaningful value.\n *\n * @private\n */\n _value;\n // Use this when changing this file to get some typing info,\n // but then switch to any to mask the internal type\n //constructor(guard: any, value: bigint, format: _FixedFormat) {\n /**\n * @private\n */\n constructor(guard, value, format) {\n assertPrivate(guard, _guard, \"FixedNumber\");\n this.#val = value;\n this.#format = format;\n const _value = toString(value, format.decimals);\n defineProperties(this, { format: format.name, _value });\n this.#tens = getTens(format.decimals);\n }\n /**\n * If true, negative values are permitted, otherwise only\n * positive values and zero are allowed.\n */\n get signed() { return this.#format.signed; }\n /**\n * The number of bits available to store the value.\n */\n get width() { return this.#format.width; }\n /**\n * The number of decimal places in the fixed-point arithment field.\n */\n get decimals() { return this.#format.decimals; }\n /**\n * The value as an integer, based on the smallest unit the\n * [[decimals]] allow.\n */\n get value() { return this.#val; }\n #checkFormat(other) {\n assertArgument(this.format === other.format, \"incompatible format; use fixedNumber.toFormat\", \"other\", other);\n }\n #checkValue(val, safeOp) {\n /*\n const width = BigInt(this.width);\n if (this.signed) {\n const limit = (BN_1 << (width - BN_1));\n assert(safeOp == null || (val >= -limit && val < limit), \"overflow\", \"NUMERIC_FAULT\", {\n operation: safeOp, fault: \"overflow\", value: val\n });\n \n if (val > BN_0) {\n val = fromTwos(mask(val, width), width);\n } else {\n val = -fromTwos(mask(-val, width), width);\n }\n \n } else {\n const masked = mask(val, width);\n assert(safeOp == null || (val >= 0 && val === masked), \"overflow\", \"NUMERIC_FAULT\", {\n operation: safeOp, fault: \"overflow\", value: val\n });\n val = masked;\n }\n */\n val = checkValue(val, this.#format, safeOp);\n return new FixedNumber(_guard, val, this.#format);\n }\n #add(o, safeOp) {\n this.#checkFormat(o);\n return this.#checkValue(this.#val + o.#val, safeOp);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new [[FixedNumber]] with the result of %%this%% added\n * to %%other%%, ignoring overflow.\n */\n addUnsafe(other) { return this.#add(other); }\n /**\n * Returns a new [[FixedNumber]] with the result of %%this%% added\n * to %%other%%. A [[NumericFaultError]] is thrown if overflow\n * occurs.\n */\n add(other) { return this.#add(other, \"add\"); }\n #sub(o, safeOp) {\n this.#checkFormat(o);\n return this.#checkValue(this.#val - o.#val, safeOp);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new [[FixedNumber]] with the result of %%other%% subtracted\n * from %%this%%, ignoring overflow.\n */\n subUnsafe(other) { return this.#sub(other); }\n /**\n * Returns a new [[FixedNumber]] with the result of %%other%% subtracted\n * from %%this%%. A [[NumericFaultError]] is thrown if overflow\n * occurs.\n */\n sub(other) { return this.#sub(other, \"sub\"); }\n #mul(o, safeOp) {\n this.#checkFormat(o);\n return this.#checkValue((this.#val * o.#val) / this.#tens, safeOp);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new [[FixedNumber]] with the result of %%this%% multiplied\n * by %%other%%, ignoring overflow and underflow (precision loss).\n */\n mulUnsafe(other) { return this.#mul(other); }\n /**\n * Returns a new [[FixedNumber]] with the result of %%this%% multiplied\n * by %%other%%. A [[NumericFaultError]] is thrown if overflow\n * occurs.\n */\n mul(other) { return this.#mul(other, \"mul\"); }\n /**\n * Returns a new [[FixedNumber]] with the result of %%this%% multiplied\n * by %%other%%. A [[NumericFaultError]] is thrown if overflow\n * occurs or if underflow (precision loss) occurs.\n */\n mulSignal(other) {\n this.#checkFormat(other);\n const value = this.#val * other.#val;\n assert((value % this.#tens) === BN_0, \"precision lost during signalling mul\", \"NUMERIC_FAULT\", {\n operation: \"mulSignal\", fault: \"underflow\", value: this\n });\n return this.#checkValue(value / this.#tens, \"mulSignal\");\n }\n #div(o, safeOp) {\n assert(o.#val !== BN_0, \"division by zero\", \"NUMERIC_FAULT\", {\n operation: \"div\", fault: \"divide-by-zero\", value: this\n });\n this.#checkFormat(o);\n return this.#checkValue((this.#val * this.#tens) / o.#val, safeOp);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new [[FixedNumber]] with the result of %%this%% divided\n * by %%other%%, ignoring underflow (precision loss). A\n * [[NumericFaultError]] is thrown if overflow occurs.\n */\n divUnsafe(other) { return this.#div(other); }\n /**\n * Returns a new [[FixedNumber]] with the result of %%this%% divided\n * by %%other%%, ignoring underflow (precision loss). A\n * [[NumericFaultError]] is thrown if overflow occurs.\n */\n div(other) { return this.#div(other, \"div\"); }\n /**\n * Returns a new [[FixedNumber]] with the result of %%this%% divided\n * by %%other%%. A [[NumericFaultError]] is thrown if underflow\n * (precision loss) occurs.\n */\n divSignal(other) {\n assert(other.#val !== BN_0, \"division by zero\", \"NUMERIC_FAULT\", {\n operation: \"div\", fault: \"divide-by-zero\", value: this\n });\n this.#checkFormat(other);\n const value = (this.#val * this.#tens);\n assert((value % other.#val) === BN_0, \"precision lost during signalling div\", \"NUMERIC_FAULT\", {\n operation: \"divSignal\", fault: \"underflow\", value: this\n });\n return this.#checkValue(value / other.#val, \"divSignal\");\n }\n /**\n * Returns a comparison result between %%this%% and %%other%%.\n *\n * This is suitable for use in sorting, where ``-1`` implies %%this%%\n * is smaller, ``1`` implies %%this%% is larger and ``0`` implies\n * both are equal.\n */\n cmp(other) {\n let a = this.value, b = other.value;\n // Coerce a and b to the same magnitude\n const delta = this.decimals - other.decimals;\n if (delta > 0) {\n b *= getTens(delta);\n }\n else if (delta < 0) {\n a *= getTens(-delta);\n }\n // Comnpare\n if (a < b) {\n return -1;\n }\n if (a > b) {\n return 1;\n }\n return 0;\n }\n /**\n * Returns true if %%other%% is equal to %%this%%.\n */\n eq(other) { return this.cmp(other) === 0; }\n /**\n * Returns true if %%other%% is less than to %%this%%.\n */\n lt(other) { return this.cmp(other) < 0; }\n /**\n * Returns true if %%other%% is less than or equal to %%this%%.\n */\n lte(other) { return this.cmp(other) <= 0; }\n /**\n * Returns true if %%other%% is greater than to %%this%%.\n */\n gt(other) { return this.cmp(other) > 0; }\n /**\n * Returns true if %%other%% is greater than or equal to %%this%%.\n */\n gte(other) { return this.cmp(other) >= 0; }\n /**\n * Returns a new [[FixedNumber]] which is the largest **integer**\n * that is less than or equal to %%this%%.\n *\n * The decimal component of the result will always be ``0``.\n */\n floor() {\n let val = this.#val;\n if (this.#val < BN_0) {\n val -= this.#tens - BN_1;\n }\n val = (this.#val / this.#tens) * this.#tens;\n return this.#checkValue(val, \"floor\");\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new [[FixedNumber]] which is the smallest **integer**\n * that is greater than or equal to %%this%%.\n *\n * The decimal component of the result will always be ``0``.\n */\n ceiling() {\n let val = this.#val;\n if (this.#val > BN_0) {\n val += this.#tens - BN_1;\n }\n val = (this.#val / this.#tens) * this.#tens;\n return this.#checkValue(val, \"ceiling\");\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new [[FixedNumber]] with the decimal component\n * rounded up on ties at %%decimals%% places.\n */\n round(decimals) {\n if (decimals == null) {\n decimals = 0;\n }\n // Not enough precision to not already be rounded\n if (decimals >= this.decimals) {\n return this;\n }\n const delta = this.decimals - decimals;\n const bump = BN_5 * getTens(delta - 1);\n let value = this.value + bump;\n const tens = getTens(delta);\n value = (value / tens) * tens;\n checkValue(value, this.#format, \"round\");\n return new FixedNumber(_guard, value, this.#format);\n }\n /**\n * Returns true if %%this%% is equal to ``0``.\n */\n isZero() { return (this.#val === BN_0); }\n /**\n * Returns true if %%this%% is less than ``0``.\n */\n isNegative() { return (this.#val < BN_0); }\n /**\n * Returns the string representation of %%this%%.\n */\n toString() { return this._value; }\n /**\n * Returns a float approximation.\n *\n * Due to IEEE 754 precission (or lack thereof), this function\n * can only return an approximation and most values will contain\n * rounding errors.\n */\n toUnsafeFloat() { return parseFloat(this.toString()); }\n /**\n * Return a new [[FixedNumber]] with the same value but has had\n * its field set to %%format%%.\n *\n * This will throw if the value cannot fit into %%format%%.\n */\n toFormat(format) {\n return FixedNumber.fromString(this.toString(), format);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new [[FixedNumber]] for %%value%% divided by\n * %%decimal%% places with %%format%%.\n *\n * This will throw a [[NumericFaultError]] if %%value%% (once adjusted\n * for %%decimals%%) cannot fit in %%format%%, either due to overflow\n * or underflow (precision loss).\n */\n static fromValue(_value, _decimals, _format) {\n const decimals = (_decimals == null) ? 0 : getNumber(_decimals);\n const format = getFormat(_format);\n let value = getBigInt(_value, \"value\");\n const delta = decimals - format.decimals;\n if (delta > 0) {\n const tens = getTens(delta);\n assert((value % tens) === BN_0, \"value loses precision for format\", \"NUMERIC_FAULT\", {\n operation: \"fromValue\", fault: \"underflow\", value: _value\n });\n value /= tens;\n }\n else if (delta < 0) {\n value *= getTens(-delta);\n }\n checkValue(value, format, \"fromValue\");\n return new FixedNumber(_guard, value, format);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new [[FixedNumber]] for %%value%% with %%format%%.\n *\n * This will throw a [[NumericFaultError]] if %%value%% cannot fit\n * in %%format%%, either due to overflow or underflow (precision loss).\n */\n static fromString(_value, _format) {\n const match = _value.match(/^(-?)([0-9]*)\\.?([0-9]*)$/);\n assertArgument(match && (match[2].length + match[3].length) > 0, \"invalid FixedNumber string value\", \"value\", _value);\n const format = getFormat(_format);\n let whole = (match[2] || \"0\"), decimal = (match[3] || \"\");\n // Pad out the decimals\n while (decimal.length < format.decimals) {\n decimal += Zeros;\n }\n // Check precision is safe\n assert(decimal.substring(format.decimals).match(/^0*$/), \"too many decimals for format\", \"NUMERIC_FAULT\", {\n operation: \"fromString\", fault: \"underflow\", value: _value\n });\n // Remove extra padding\n decimal = decimal.substring(0, format.decimals);\n const value = BigInt(match[1] + whole + decimal);\n checkValue(value, format, \"fromString\");\n return new FixedNumber(_guard, value, format);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new [[FixedNumber]] with the big-endian representation\n * %%value%% with %%format%%.\n *\n * This will throw a [[NumericFaultError]] if %%value%% cannot fit\n * in %%format%% due to overflow.\n */\n static fromBytes(_value, _format) {\n let value = toBigInt(getBytes(_value, \"value\"));\n const format = getFormat(_format);\n if (format.signed) {\n value = fromTwos(value, format.width);\n }\n checkValue(value, format, \"fromBytes\");\n return new FixedNumber(_guard, value, format);\n }\n}\n//const f1 = FixedNumber.fromString(\"12.56\", \"fixed16x2\");\n//const f2 = FixedNumber.fromString(\"0.3\", \"fixed16x2\");\n//console.log(f1.divSignal(f2));\n//const BUMP = FixedNumber.from(\"0.5\");\n//# sourceMappingURL=fixednumber.js.map","/**\n * Most interactions with Ethereum requires integer values, which use\n * the smallest magnitude unit.\n *\n * For example, imagine dealing with dollars and cents. Since dollars\n * are divisible, non-integer values are possible, such as ``$10.77``.\n * By using the smallest indivisible unit (i.e. cents), the value can\n * be kept as the integer ``1077``.\n *\n * When receiving decimal input from the user (as a decimal string),\n * the value should be converted to an integer and when showing a user\n * a value, the integer value should be converted to a decimal string.\n *\n * This creates a clear distinction, between values to be used by code\n * (integers) and values used for display logic to users (decimals).\n *\n * The native unit in Ethereum, //ether// is divisible to 18 decimal places,\n * where each individual unit is called a //wei//.\n *\n * @_subsection api/utils:Unit Conversion [about-units]\n */\nimport { assertArgument } from \"./errors.js\";\nimport { FixedNumber } from \"./fixednumber.js\";\nimport { getNumber } from \"./maths.js\";\nconst names = [\n \"wei\",\n \"kwei\",\n \"mwei\",\n \"gwei\",\n \"szabo\",\n \"finney\",\n \"ether\",\n];\n/**\n * Converts %%value%% into a //decimal string//, assuming %%unit%% decimal\n * places. The %%unit%% may be the number of decimal places or the name of\n * a unit (e.g. ``\"gwei\"`` for 9 decimal places).\n *\n */\nexport function formatUnits(value, unit) {\n let decimals = 18;\n if (typeof (unit) === \"string\") {\n const index = names.indexOf(unit);\n assertArgument(index >= 0, \"invalid unit\", \"unit\", unit);\n decimals = 3 * index;\n }\n else if (unit != null) {\n decimals = getNumber(unit, \"unit\");\n }\n return FixedNumber.fromValue(value, decimals, { decimals, width: 512 }).toString();\n}\n/**\n * Converts the //decimal string// %%value%% to a BigInt, assuming\n * %%unit%% decimal places. The %%unit%% may the number of decimal places\n * or the name of a unit (e.g. ``\"gwei\"`` for 9 decimal places).\n */\nexport function parseUnits(value, unit) {\n assertArgument(typeof (value) === \"string\", \"value must be a string\", \"value\", value);\n let decimals = 18;\n if (typeof (unit) === \"string\") {\n const index = names.indexOf(unit);\n assertArgument(index >= 0, \"invalid unit\", \"unit\", unit);\n decimals = 3 * index;\n }\n else if (unit != null) {\n decimals = getNumber(unit, \"unit\");\n }\n return FixedNumber.fromString(value, { decimals, width: 512 }).value;\n}\n/**\n * Converts %%value%% into a //decimal string// using 18 decimal places.\n */\nexport function formatEther(wei) {\n return formatUnits(wei, 18);\n}\n/**\n * Converts the //decimal string// %%ether%% to a BigInt, using 18\n * decimal places.\n */\nexport function parseEther(ether) {\n return parseUnits(ether, 18);\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=units.js.map"],"names":["BN_N1","BN_0","BN_1","BN_5","_guard","Zeros","getTens","decimals","result","checkValue","val","format","safeOp","width","limit","assert","fromTwos","mask","getFormat","value","signed","match","assertArgument","v","check","key","type","defaultValue","name","toString","negative","str","index","_FixedNumber","guard","__privateAdd","_checkFormat","_checkValue","_add","_sub","_mul","_div","__publicField","_format","_val","_tens","assertPrivate","__privateSet","_value","defineProperties","__privateGet","other","__privateMethod","add_fn","sub_fn","mul_fn","checkFormat_fn","checkValue_fn","div_fn","a","b","delta","bump","tens","_decimals","getNumber","getBigInt","whole","decimal","toBigInt","getBytes","o","FixedNumber","names","formatUnits","unit","parseUnits","formatEther","wei","parseEther","ether"],"mappings":"u8BAcA,MAAMA,EAAQ,OAAO,EAAE,EACjBC,EAAO,OAAO,CAAC,EACfC,EAAO,OAAO,CAAC,EACfC,GAAO,OAAO,CAAC,EACfC,EAAS,CAAA,EAEf,IAAIC,EAAQ,OACZ,KAAOA,EAAM,OAAS,IAClBA,GAASA,EAGb,SAASC,EAAQC,EAAU,CACvB,IAAIC,EAASH,EACb,KAAOG,EAAO,OAASD,GACnBC,GAAUA,EAEd,OAAO,OAAO,IAAMA,EAAO,UAAU,EAAGD,CAAQ,CAAC,CACrD,CACA,SAASE,EAAWC,EAAKC,EAAQC,EAAQ,CACrC,MAAMC,EAAQ,OAAOF,EAAO,KAAK,EACjC,GAAIA,EAAO,OAAQ,CACf,MAAMG,EAASZ,GAASW,EAAQX,EAChCa,EAAOH,GAAU,MAASF,GAAO,CAACI,GAASJ,EAAMI,EAAQ,WAAY,gBAAiB,CAClF,UAAWF,EAAQ,MAAO,WAAY,MAAOF,CACzD,CAAS,EACGA,EAAMT,EACNS,EAAMM,EAASC,EAAKP,EAAKG,CAAK,EAAGA,CAAK,EAGtCH,EAAM,CAACM,EAASC,EAAK,CAACP,EAAKG,CAAK,EAAGA,CAAK,CAE/C,KACI,CACD,MAAMC,EAASZ,GAAQW,EACvBE,EAAOH,GAAU,MAASF,GAAO,GAAKA,EAAMI,EAAQ,WAAY,gBAAiB,CAC7E,UAAWF,EAAQ,MAAO,WAAY,MAAOF,CACzD,CAAS,EACDA,GAASA,EAAMI,EAASA,GAASA,EAAUA,EAAQZ,CACtD,CACD,OAAOQ,CACX,CACA,SAASQ,EAAUC,EAAO,CAClB,OAAQA,GAAW,WACnBA,EAAQ,YAAYA,CAAK,IAE7B,IAAIC,EAAS,GACTP,EAAQ,IACRN,EAAW,GACf,GAAI,OAAQY,GAAW,UAEnB,GAAIA,IAAU,QAGT,GAAIA,IAAU,SACfC,EAAS,OAER,CACD,MAAMC,EAAQF,EAAM,MAAM,8BAA8B,EACxDG,EAAeD,EAAO,uBAAwB,SAAUF,CAAK,EAC7DC,EAAUC,EAAM,CAAC,IAAM,IACvBR,EAAQ,SAASQ,EAAM,CAAC,CAAC,EACzBd,EAAW,SAASc,EAAM,CAAC,CAAC,CAC/B,UAEIF,EAAO,CAEZ,MAAMI,EAAIJ,EACJK,EAAQ,CAACC,EAAKC,EAAMC,IAClBJ,EAAEE,CAAG,GAAK,KACHE,GAEXL,EAAe,OAAQC,EAAEE,CAAG,IAAOC,EAAM,yBAA2BD,EAAM,QAAUC,EAAO,IAAK,UAAYD,EAAKF,EAAEE,CAAG,CAAC,EAChHF,EAAEE,CAAG,GAEhBL,EAASI,EAAM,SAAU,UAAWJ,CAAM,EAC1CP,EAAQW,EAAM,QAAS,SAAUX,CAAK,EACtCN,EAAWiB,EAAM,WAAY,SAAUjB,CAAQ,CAClD,CACDe,EAAgBT,EAAQ,IAAO,EAAG,+CAAgD,eAAgBA,CAAK,EACvGS,EAAef,GAAY,GAAI,2CAA4C,kBAAmBA,CAAQ,EACtG,MAAMqB,GAAQR,EAAS,GAAK,KAAO,QAAU,OAAOP,CAAK,EAAI,IAAM,OAAON,CAAQ,EAClF,MAAO,CAAE,OAAAa,EAAQ,MAAAP,EAAO,SAAAN,EAAU,KAAAqB,CAAI,CAC1C,CACA,SAASC,GAASnB,EAAKH,EAAU,CAC7B,IAAIuB,EAAW,GACXpB,EAAMT,IACN6B,EAAW,IACXpB,GAAOV,GAEX,IAAI+B,EAAMrB,EAAI,WAEd,GAAIH,IAAa,EACb,OAAQuB,EAAWC,EAGvB,KAAOA,EAAI,QAAUxB,GACjBwB,EAAM1B,EAAQ0B,EAGlB,MAAMC,EAAQD,EAAI,OAASxB,EAG3B,IAFAwB,EAAMA,EAAI,UAAU,EAAGC,CAAK,EAAI,IAAMD,EAAI,UAAUC,CAAK,EAElDD,EAAI,CAAC,IAAM,KAAOA,EAAI,CAAC,IAAM,KAChCA,EAAMA,EAAI,UAAU,CAAC,EAGzB,KAAOA,EAAIA,EAAI,OAAS,CAAC,IAAM,KAAOA,EAAIA,EAAI,OAAS,CAAC,IAAM,KAC1DA,EAAMA,EAAI,UAAU,EAAGA,EAAI,OAAS,CAAC,EAEzC,OAAQD,EAAWC,CACvB,mCAoCO,MAAME,EAAN,MAAMA,CAAY,CAsBrB,YAAYC,EAAOf,EAAOR,EAAQ,CA0BlCwB,EAAA,KAAAC,GAGAD,EAAA,KAAAE,GA0BAF,EAAA,KAAAG,GAeAH,EAAA,KAAAI,GAeAJ,EAAA,KAAAK,GA4BAL,EAAA,KAAAM,GAnIAC,EAAA,eACAP,EAAA,KAAAQ,EAAA,QAEAR,EAAA,KAAAS,EAAA,QAEAT,EAAA,KAAAU,EAAA,QAMAH,EAAA,eAQII,EAAcZ,EAAO9B,EAAQ,aAAa,EAC1C2C,EAAA,KAAKH,EAAOzB,GACZ4B,EAAA,KAAKJ,EAAUhC,GACf,MAAMqC,EAASnB,GAASV,EAAOR,EAAO,QAAQ,EAC9CsC,EAAiB,KAAM,CAAE,OAAQtC,EAAO,KAAM,OAAAqC,CAAM,CAAE,EACtDD,EAAA,KAAKF,EAAQvC,EAAQK,EAAO,QAAQ,EACvC,CAKD,IAAI,QAAS,CAAE,OAAOuC,EAAA,KAAKP,GAAQ,MAAS,CAI5C,IAAI,OAAQ,CAAE,OAAOO,EAAA,KAAKP,GAAQ,KAAQ,CAI1C,IAAI,UAAW,CAAE,OAAOO,EAAA,KAAKP,GAAQ,QAAW,CAKhD,IAAI,OAAQ,CAAE,OAAOO,EAAA,KAAKN,EAAO,CAsCjC,UAAUO,EAAO,CAAE,OAAOC,EAAA,KAAKd,EAAAe,GAAL,UAAUF,EAAS,CAM7C,IAAIA,EAAO,CAAE,OAAOC,EAAA,KAAKd,EAAAe,GAAL,UAAUF,EAAO,MAAS,CAS9C,UAAUA,EAAO,CAAE,OAAOC,EAAA,KAAKb,EAAAe,GAAL,UAAUH,EAAS,CAM7C,IAAIA,EAAO,CAAE,OAAOC,EAAA,KAAKb,EAAAe,GAAL,UAAUH,EAAO,MAAS,CAS9C,UAAUA,EAAO,CAAE,OAAOC,EAAA,KAAKZ,EAAAe,GAAL,UAAUJ,EAAS,CAM7C,IAAIA,EAAO,CAAE,OAAOC,EAAA,KAAKZ,EAAAe,GAAL,UAAUJ,EAAO,MAAS,CAM9C,UAAUA,EAAO,CACbC,EAAA,KAAKhB,EAAAoB,GAAL,UAAkBL,GAClB,MAAMhC,EAAQ+B,EAAA,KAAKN,GAAOM,EAAAC,EAAMP,GAChC,OAAA7B,EAAQI,EAAQ+B,EAAA,KAAKL,KAAW5C,EAAM,uCAAwC,gBAAiB,CAC3F,UAAW,YAAa,MAAO,YAAa,MAAO,IAC/D,CAAS,EACMmD,EAAA,KAAKf,EAAAoB,GAAL,UAAiBtC,EAAQ+B,EAAA,KAAKL,GAAO,YAC/C,CAaD,UAAUM,EAAO,CAAE,OAAOC,EAAA,KAAKX,EAAAiB,GAAL,UAAUP,EAAS,CAM7C,IAAIA,EAAO,CAAE,OAAOC,EAAA,KAAKX,EAAAiB,GAAL,UAAUP,EAAO,MAAS,CAM9C,UAAUA,EAAO,CACbpC,EAAOmC,EAAAC,EAAMP,KAAS3C,EAAM,mBAAoB,gBAAiB,CAC7D,UAAW,MAAO,MAAO,iBAAkB,MAAO,IAC9D,CAAS,EACDmD,EAAA,KAAKhB,EAAAoB,GAAL,UAAkBL,GAClB,MAAMhC,EAAS+B,EAAA,KAAKN,GAAOM,EAAA,KAAKL,GAChC,OAAA9B,EAAQI,EAAQ+B,EAAAC,EAAMP,KAAU3C,EAAM,uCAAwC,gBAAiB,CAC3F,UAAW,YAAa,MAAO,YAAa,MAAO,IAC/D,CAAS,EACMmD,EAAA,KAAKf,EAAAoB,GAAL,UAAiBtC,EAAQ+B,EAAAC,EAAMP,GAAM,YAC/C,CAQD,IAAIO,EAAO,CACP,IAAIQ,EAAI,KAAK,MAAOC,EAAIT,EAAM,MAE9B,MAAMU,EAAQ,KAAK,SAAWV,EAAM,SAQpC,OAPIU,EAAQ,EACRD,GAAK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